I don't know what to think anymore. What is going on in this world? Have people really lost it? Or has it always been like this but I was away from it all for too long. Crazy criminals in Iraq. Vicious killings by Israelis and by Palestinians. Parents locking up children in hot cars. Parents leaving kids on the subway. People being punched and kicked in broad day light. I mean what the hell is going on? This week has been awful.
Maybe I should go back to concentrating on my own life. The only reason I'm so appalled by all the news is the fact that it seems to me we are losing all emotions of empathy. The one thing that I am trying so hard to teach my own kids. And yet, yet this world is becoming void of that trait. The human life is no longer seen as important. No. Not anymore.
In Iraq for instance. Everyone thinks it's about the Shia Sunni divide. But it's not. It's far more deeper. Far more dangerous. The Shia Sunni divide is just an excuse. An excuse to kill. An excuse to use religeon to kill. An excuse to use one's own interpretation of the religeon to kill.
Bringing back the Caliphate? Are they serious? Are they even for real? How much brainwashed are they to "believe" that the god THEY praise allows rape, torture, killing innocent people, is the same god that I believe in that encourages us to love, respect and sympathise? Where did they read that it's ok to carry out all those heinous crimes? Not my Quran. That's for sure.
But to me what's even worse than all this are the people. The people who stand and watch all that and film it. Film it so callously. How can someone watch a woman being bludgeoned by an officer and not do anything? Not do anything but film it on camera?!?! HOW?What is happening to us? Where is our god damned Empathy? The Vanishing Empathy...
posted by neurotic_wife at
9:30 PM

helloooo Neurotica here we r again luv,
ok so again re itterating no sympathy,empathy,& grabbing the so called chair by the perzo turdo- puppet maliki & his some millions of fellow thugs incl mehdy gangs!!nevermind the rhetoric & all too right factual describtion of these sectarian rats sitting in a position of influence backed up by the western military machine & taking thier commands from afg.-perzo-turdo-eran terirst axis of evil!!tbc
the end justifies the means "as they say" i.e. today,s present tragic,chaotic,savagery. attrocities in messopotamia are part & parcel of the historic events developing ever since the modern foundation of the messopotamian nation!!namely the only half decent composition of rightful implementation accross the board of all citizen,s rights !!for better or worse no matter much better!! than today,s dessenfranchisement ,dissadvantaged deprived millions of Iraqis!! from thier GOD given right to partake in the economic activities of the oil economy that is generated from the ooooozing of that resource in quatities that could more than lift millions of the citizens out of poverty !!plus generating a thriving economy to uplift & breath life in the region in general from the LAVAN!LEVANT to the furthest throes of the western northern african arabic speaking lands the MOROCCAN atlantic coast not forgetting the furthest tip of the Arabian penninsula incl the G.C.C. area!!but in retrospect rather than that taking place thier parties out there !!not interested in seeing a development of the kind thereby the unholy understanding amongst far from friendly 2 parties namely the west & the turdo-perz-afro-eran axis of evil §the "ajam" soooo back to history again .- early 1900 late 1800s & the development of the illustrated historic evolutionery diagram in full t.b.c.
ok. history the one & only half decent near enough!! comprable rightful nation that could have provided for all shall have been & is non other than The ROYAL HASHIMITE trans IRAQI-JORDANIAN Kingdom" so called idiom "back to the future" to find the solution!!all half trodden , backstabbed, injured , deprived ,dispersed globe round in poverty mostly !! & thier rights outright robbed by the above mentioned maliki thugs perz eran axis of evil!!all these millions suffered murders , mothers loosing thier men folk ,fathers, brothers ,sons & extended family relations !!all these injustices to be addressed compensated shall take a huuuge human rights court at the hague to implement retribution on the evil mruderous parties!! to make sense of what is what where & how it helps "googling" the persons here who are in thier own respective fields an authority in thier own rights!!bamely look up the arguements in google by DR.SABBAH-AL-MUCKHTAR" SOLICITOR, DR HALA MUNThER DATTAH historian, DR A7HMED NEGHIB in the U.A.E: historic messopotamian specialist they mostly all agree on the analyses that the enfs justifiy the means i.e in order to obtain the oil resources as cheaply as possible from the land amongst the2 rivers ,plus deprive the rightful populace from building a strong prosperous economy to eventually present an uplifted decent standard of living for millions accros the region thus forming a block that geo strategically does not serve present days powers, or aspiring afg-rez-turds eran axis of evil!!,s interests !!thereby the means justifying the ends""by which create mayhem implement a policy of "DIVIDE &RULE" whereby one ethnic group &or sect is let loose at the other,s throats killing, murdering, terrorising persecuting all & any not belonging to thier tribe !!in this case not belonging to the blastad basdard efo perz ajam eran ecthnic axis of evil!! at any rate the blame game against who is the the thug amongst thugs being mehdy gangs or isis or whatever it is the case of keeping the pot on the boil ensue chaos to keep the land as a failed state in which it is cheeeeper to extract the resources than from a proper functioning social constructed nation with mosern liberal up to date institutions that guarantee peopl,s rights in general!!
SOOO as has been said by the above dr,s including DR.TARIQ AL HASHIMY no peace is expected unless & until ALL that meeeens ALL citizens accross the board have the right of access to the oil economy without marginilization & persecution!!only then where the sectarian system of the afg-perz-eran tzerests axis of evil fesmantled only then people could seek compenstation return to thier home of birt reclaimthier oil economy income & redress what had been denied them over these decade yeas!! the millions that havebeen wronged one way or another is incalculable!!
Sabah Al-Mukhtar, vice-president of the GICJ and president of the Arab Lawyers Association speaks at a protest and solidarity meeting on 19 March 2011, in Stockholm, Sweden. ON "U. TUBE"
A reasonable multi fair minded govt might look like "AYAD ALLAWI",TARIQ AL HASHIMY; KURDISH REP & SHERIF "SHEREEF AL HUSSAIN ROYALHASHIMITE REP incl poltiticians such dr. AL PACHACHI,
the 3 bs !!! one may well ask!!!i.e once a British foundation always British meaning back to the late 1800 early 1900 general Maud & the 3 bs = British Baghdad "Gertrude BELL" the formation of Iraqi Baghdad civil society , Lady Gertrude Bell & the "5qabool" "UM TARIQ" the socialites of the then foundation !!"it ain,t naught for naught that "The BAGHDAD BELL" stands today in one of her Majesty,s & our Royal forces meusium!!! "www.bfbs.com"
جزاكم الله خيرا"
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