There was always this nagging feeling deep within me that Im on this earth for a reason. God put me here to do something, to be someone. And no,Im not talking about fame, nor fortune. I had so many questions, asked him everynight. Why? Why am I here God? Why bring me into this foresaken world?Night after night for so many years I asked him. Yet he never replied. Or maybe he did and I never heard. Or maybe I heard but I didnt want to listen.
Today after all these years I stopped asking. I stopped asking not because I gave up but because I now know what the answer is. I finally got to listen. I finally managed to make sense of it all. Sense from all the non sense around me. I always thought that Id be a writer. A writer with a voice. A voice for the people. The Iraqi people. Unfortunately though, I failed. And failed miserably. Though my voice was loud, it wasnt loud enough. My words may have been strong but not strong enough. And just like I did, people may have heard me, they heard me but chose not to listen. Now my calling is beyond any love. Any love for one's country, beyond any love for one's people. Now my calling is more than Love. Its way way more than that. And my voice will be louder. Much louder than it ever was. Because this time, this time its about survival, survival of the closest being to my heart.
My journey as a wife has come to an end. Im still a wife, but more importantly I have begun a new life. A new life as a mother. A mother of 2 beautiful creatures. This time though, the journey will be long. Long and rough. It started already on board of a long haul flight. A long haul flight thats taking me to places Ive never seen. Places Ive never heard of.
And so my friends, I want to thank you. Thank you for all your words. Thank you for all the support Ive had throughout these years. I want to thank you for being there for me when HUBBY abandoned me for our country. I want to thank you for being there for me when I was bombarded by rockets. I want to thank you for sharing with me my dreams, my hopes, my sadness. Each and everyone that read and posted on my blog, be it good or bad you were and will always remain a part of that initial journey. A part of neurotic iraqi wife's life. A part of my past laughters and past cries. So thank you. Thank you for every word you have written to me...
Right now though I have landed to my first destination. Its a far far away place, but if you know me well enough, and still want to accompany me on this long haul turbulent flight, there is no doubt you will be able to find me. I will not publicize my new place/blog for I did that mistake before. So for now, this journey has come to an end. A Bitter Sweet end. And just like my dad used to always sing to us, Que sera sera whatever will be, will be...The Future is not ours to see. What will be will be...Que sera sera....
posted by neurotic_wife at
8:45 AM

I always disliked the word "the end", but yeah why not, everything should come to an end. And maybe a Bitter Sweet end too :)
We thank you too for what you have produced throughout these years.
Although i have become a reader for a while, but have got so much from you.A deep feeling within me too, and its not telling me to thank you only, but also asking me to curtsey proudly.
I wish you a happy big life as being a mother in addition to being a wife. And this time, instead of mainly being a neurotic iraqi wife, you are surely a sympathetic iraqi mother..
Wish you every joy and all the best..
Life's transitions can be difficult but I'm sure you are ready for this one. It has been a pleasure to share the past few years with you.
Best wishes for your future endeavors... Chas
Congratulations on becoming a mother! Sorry for not having posted/come around much as of late, I've been in full study mode (I'm finally in grad school) and spare time is extremely hard to come by.
Sorry to see you's been a pleasure reading your blog and sharing in your journeys. For allowing us to do that, I humbly say thank you! However, I know that by moving on your moving on to a new chapter your life, hopefully one that'll be filled with much joy!
I'll see ya round, hopefully! You know how to get ahold of me ;-) Best wishes!
Sad to see this end...but hopefully, our cyber paths will cross soon again, when I come across your new chapter in your life...
Good luck with everything!
Sandybelle, its been a pleasure having you as a reader. I do apologize for not always responding to your comments, but I assure you, I always read them and smile. You are an amazing young lady, and a brilliant future is ahead of you. You are smart and passionate. Thank you for reading and most importantly thank you for being an inspiration...
Thanks Chas. Unfortunately, no one prepared me for what Im going thru at the moment and I doubt anyone could have. But Im trying as hard as I can to remain strong so I can pass this hurdle. Thank you for continuing to follow my posts, you are one of a few :)
Matt!Congrats on grad school!How do you find it?
Dubai sunshiiiiiiiiiiine!!!Long long time!!!Oh definitely our cyber paths will cross, dont worry I will let you know of my presence once Im ready. Hope all is well with you...
I have followed you from the start of your blog and have been touched by your honest, from the heart posts. For me it's been a memorable life experience.
I wish you and your family the best and hope that I am able to find you again on the web.
I've followed your blog for the past three years, or more! Thanks for letting us know you're shifting gears, and not just 'disappearing.' What a story you'll be able to tell your boys when they're older. As a final bit of philosophy: I'm a GREAT deal older than you, a time when it's tempting to look back and review the years. I've concluded that raising my three sons was the best thing I've ever done, the most rewarding, and the most important -- more than the good fortune of money, work, awards, friends. Last time you wrote you indicated you were considering the next move might be the States. I do wish there was some way to read any new chapters about your life that you might post. Maybe you could let us know an email addy for sincere fans and friends might ask for a new blog site. Whatever. You've got such a talent for describing personalities of the people you meet!
Your middle-age friend in Houston.
Dear Neurotica,
I followed your blog silently and read every single word of it. Your blog was my comfort during the very tough time when you were back home. One of your blogs touched me personally and I hope one day we will be able to meet and talk about it. I think, now it is my turn to help you with what you're going through. Please, let me know if there's any form of contact that I can reach you by. May Subhanahu Ta'allah provide you with the strenght you need.
DWITT, thanks for your kind words. It really means alot alot to me and makes my heart skip a beat to know that there are still people with me. Im going through a very rough time, and I need all the support and prayers that I can get. Thank you again...
Mk, your initials are exactly like mine....but shhhh dont tell anyone ;) and btw age is just a number. Even though Im in my thrities, gosh I feel like a very very old woman at the moment. My dad was turning 72 and blv me if I say he was far more stronger and younger than me and all the people I knew. So yeah middle aged or not, its whats in your heart my friend. I had big dreams for my sons, and still do but the road im treading is far away from normal...Thats the bummer..I just wish to god I will be able to wake up from this nightmare and it will only be that, a fleeting nightmare...
You can reach me on
Anon, now Im curious. Which post is it?Oh I so pray to god that someone somewhere can help me...I so so wish that...Unfortunately, no one can...No one but the power above me...
I am so glad knowing you through the blogsphere...It is sad we; Iraqi bloggers are leaving the blog one after the other but this is life we start with a chapter and ends another!
All the best to you and your family.
Dear Neurotica,
It's me again, about the post I mentioned, it was the Dead Emerald City, July 04, 2007, about B.
Dear, keep your faith in Subhanahu Ta'ala, he's the only one to solve The problem. However, he paves a road for you where you might meet someone who can help with the small things that your mind does not worry about but occupied by it. I definitely meant this type of help, otherwise, I think, you really need his power.
Do I understand that I can email you using the email you mentioned?
I hope that you'll leave me another comment...Best Regards,
I wish you all the best. I will miss your posts, as I have been reading for 5 years now. Wow, that sounds kinda stalker-ish, lol.
Hubby and I will be living in Saudi Arabia while he works there. The children and I will move soon. We plan on coming back to the states eventually, back to our farm. I will get to home school and I'm so excited about it!
Yes, life is always throwing us things when we really don't feel we can handle any more, but somehow, we just add it to the things we are already juggling.
I hope to see you out there somewhere!
Dear NIW,
every time i go to your blog i have tears in my eyes, i just cant read your last posts without tears, i feel like i know you for long. hoping the best for you in life ....i ve been through a tough time like you many years ago and still remember moment with my dad and mom...thats life ...keep your walking in your journey
best regards
Iraqi Neurotic Man
As the mother of two son's (one of whom is now serving in the ME) I know what you have to look forward to as you raise them. I have enjoyed reading your blog these several years and will miss your adventures. Wishing you peace and happiness as you begin this new chapter in your life.
I have read your posts for many years now and I just caught up with you today, after your last post recent post of fleeing Iraq. I wish you happiness and blessings and I know you will be a wonderful mother and your Hubby must be a wonderful man. And, may someday we all meet again! I think of you often and I will continue to think of you and your and may all the blessings God has for you be fruitful and generous!
I was just surfing around and got this post. I must say it was really very interesting post. I found your blog very nice and that's why I have saved it for the future visits.
I visited your blog for the first time and just been your fan. Keep posting as I am gonna come to read it everyday.
Thank you NIW for sharing your life with the world. I will miss you. May God bless your journey.
Whats up ! Love your blog thanks for sharing it with everyone
Whats up ! Love your blog thanks for sharing it with everyone
Whats up ! Love your blog thanks for sharing it with everyone
Whats up ! Love your blog thanks for sharing it with everyone
Whats up ! Love your blog thanks for sharing it with everyone
Whats up ! Love your blog thanks for sharing it with everyone
Whats up ! Love your blog thanks for sharing it with everyone
Whats up ! Love your blog thanks for sharing it with everyone
Whats up ! Love your blog thanks for sharing it with everyone
Whats up ! Love your blog thanks for sharing it with everyone
Whats up ! Love your blog thanks for sharing it with everyone
Whats up ! Love your blog thanks for sharing it with everyone
Whats up ! Love your blog thanks for sharing it with everyone
Whats up ! Love your blog thanks for sharing it with everyone
Whats up ! Love your blog thanks for sharing it with everyone
wut a load of cods bollocks"wut,s up" wut,s down "a load of slang yank nonsense
lOOOOL i love the blog
a7ib rijli ahway
Hey NIW,...I just visited your blog for the first time and I am disgusted with your over-privileged middle-class bullshit, do not excuse my language I intended to offend, how can you live the 'high' life among your compatriots while they are being butchered and abused by your "HUBBY's" yiddish jU.S.A paymasters? You are a disgraceful SHILL!
I will not be back; the Iraqi people and their supporters throughout the world have no need of your manicured finger-nails and air-headed drivel.
Free Palestine!
Then the world, from usurious yids and their endless wars for profit!
I am honored to wander your blog. Thousands of points can invite you to my blog to be exchanges. Thanks
I have followed your blog for a few years and enjoyed every entry. In the beginning you were shallow and mainly interested in fashion and your getting your distracted husband's attention. From there I watched you mature and go from dedicated worker in Iraq and true believer in the new Iraq. Then you began to question it all - and I think your posts were the best - deeper, more probing, more reflective. Now you have come full circle in a way - back to the value and tribulations of family. You are a terrific writer. I missed your frequent blog entries and even worried about you when your entries were sparse. I wish you luck on your personal journey and thank you for enriching ALL our lives through your eyes. I will miss you. Sally
I am honored to wander your blog.
Are pleased to come to your blog to read your article! Thank you for sharing!
Are pleased to come to your blog to read your article! Thank you for sharing!
Are pleased to come to your blog to read your article! Thank you for sharing!
Are pleased to come to your blog to read your article! Thank you for sharing!
I really enjoy reading your blog.
Are pleased to come to your blog to read your article! Thank you for sharing!
Are pleased to come to your blog to read your article! Thank you for sharing!
I would like to invite you to visit my blog.
Are pleased to come to your blog to read your article! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you, that was extremely valuable.
Thank you, that was extremely valuable.
Thank you, that was extremely valuable.
Thank you, that was extremely valuable.
Very happy to come to your blog to read your article, you write very well I very like.
Thank you, that was extremely valuable.
Alhamdulila. We will not haveto read any more of your and your husband's traitors nonsence.
Good riddence and may you find the justice that you and your kind deserve - in Hell.
Oh Dear Neurotica! I am so sad to come upon your blog after searching for some time! I would tune in frequently a while back and lost my computer to virus and when I got it back all my favorites where gone...Today I decided to come and see how you were to sadly see you leaving us. I never commented much, but often reflected on your writings. Your a strong, powerful woman and the journey you travel may it be an easier one for you. With much love and respect...
- a california woman -
I hope I can find your writings again again where you pick up at....
Blessings to you
hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
Thank you, that was extremely valuable.
hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
If any of neurotica's followers find her new blog/writing space, I hope you'll share the location.
I've come to rely on her for an education about the middle east. And as things get less stable there, I would like to hear her take on the situation.
appreciative reader for the education I've gotten here,
Keep the faith, my Internet friend. You are a first-class writer and deserve to be heard.
I, too, am a long-time reader/fan/admirer of Neurotica's writing. Although she says she will post no more, I still check in at least monthly. I'm sad that there may be a new site with more of her writing, but I'm just feeling hopeless. If ANYBODY has a clue, please post it here in these comments section.
hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
Nice article, thanks for the information.
Dear Blogger,
We recently invited you to participate in an online survey run by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and Global Voices Online about online safety for bloggers in the Middle East and North Africa. To the best of our knowledge, we have not received your response to the survey. You can participate in the survey by following this link:
The survey will be available until May 18, 2011. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. You can reach us at
Thank you in advance for your time.
With appreciation,
The Blogging Common Team
Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University
"Que sera sera whatever will be, will be...The Future is not ours to see"
This song is indeed true. Whatever lies ahead on our future, will happen, and there's nothing we can't do about it, but to learn to be happy with it. Hope you are alright through these years that passed by since you had posted here. God speed!
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