neurotic Iraqi wife
March 20, 2007
An Endless Eternity...
But it also seems like an eternity. An eternity that took so many lives. An eternity that drove people apart. An eternity that broke so many hopes so many dreams. This war hardened people up, this war made some cruel, made others savages. This war brought a new found democracy. A Democracy of crime and corruption. A democracy of lawlessness and lifelessness. Yes this is the democracy that people were hoping for. A democracy invaded by rapists and criminals. A democracy invaded by kidnappers and animals. Fours years on...
This war brought a new found freedom. Oh yes, a freedom that frees the predator and captures the prey. A freedom that awards the rapist and ignores the victim. This is the new found freedom. A freedom that strangles the innocent and lets go of the barbarian. Four years on...
Four years on and children are still being orphaned and wives widowed. Four years on, and you see tears, tears of fathers, tears of mothers flowing slowly down their cheeks mourning their children, mourning their one and only. Yeah four years on...
Four years on and while the world listen to their Ipods, Ipods filled with their favourate music, Iraqis listen to daily mortars, explosions, bombings and helicopters. Four years on while the children of the world play their Wii's, Iraqi children sleep the nights in fear. Will I live or will I die they think to themselves. Will the Americans come and get me or will the Iraqi baddies take me away. Yes Four years on...
Four years on and its your sect, name or tribe that controls your life. Controls your livelihood. YOU have no control anymore. You shove your planner in the trash and wait. Wait for tomorrow. If tomorrow ever comes. He says it wont take weeks but months. MONTHS??? Its been FOUR bloody years and you're saying MONTHS???? How many more months? How many more years can this go on? How many more black banners will it take??? How many??? But no, no I dont blame you. I blame us. I blame that purple ink that gave these people the power. I blame us for paving the road to these criminals.
There were rallies, rallies against the war, rallies to get the troops out. The war and it happened, so I dont really see the point of rallying against something that took place already, a waste of time, a waste of energy. Rallying for troop pull out, now thats a crime. A crime against humanity. Too easy. Easy for you to rally against the troops. You dont understand the meaning of that. You cant understand the meaning of that. If you're rallying for the Iraqi people then you are wrong. Very wrong. The media, CNN, Sky News and the rest that bring on people and zoom the screen on them while they say " we want the americans out, we want the troops out" are committing even more of a heinious crime. People talk, but they dont know what they are saying and what consequences this will bring. Do you really believe that Iraqis will live in peace and harmony if the troops leave just like that??? Do you???
This is what will take place, if the troops pull out very soon, with the current useless, divided, corrupt government still in place, the militias will fight each other, stuggling for the chair, the arab jihadists will fight for their so called "Islamic" state. The Iraqi christians will perish, the thousands upon thousands of Iraqis that worked with the coalition forces will be butchered. The normal Iraqis will be tortured and killed. It will be the utmost struggle for power. The Iranians will intervene and hakeem will give them the south on a plate of gold. The turks will try and get the Kurds. The central piece will be fought over by all parties. You will have burqa women roaming the streets, that is if they even can do that. You will see children being taught how to fight with guns and kill. Iraq will no longer be the land between the two rivers. Oh no, it wont be. The bloody Iraq today will even be more bloodier. More deadly.
It was an easy life, and an easy death for Saddam, but its not gonna be an easy invasion and an easy retreat for the Forces. YOU broke it, YOU fix it. WE voted, WE TAKE THEM OUT. It has to be a joint effort. You have been putting your hands in the devils claws, for once Bush and Blair, just for once, before you leave your powerful chair, do something good, do something comendable. For once Bush and Blair, just this once, do something for the IRAQI PEOPLE, the Innocent Iraqi people. Support them in their times of need. HELP THEM. Give them a safe haven. Dont you think they deserve it? Dont you think that after all these years, these people's lives are worth saving???
Open the doors for them, give them hope. Give them a new life. YOU took it away, so YOU have to give it back. You cant just leave. You cant just leave without helping them. Allow them in your own countries, not as refugees, no, but as citizens, real citizens. Dont give chances to only a few, for no child managed to work as a translater, dont you think that an orphaned 5 yr old deserves to live???Give them an education, steer them away from all this mayhem. Until all this ends, until one day these children can go back to their country and help rebuild it. And when I say rebuild it, I dont mean painting walls, and putting tiles. I mean rebuild it in a true sense of the word.
I may be called a traitor, I may be called a collaborator, but I know, I know that Im helping those who I can help. Even in the smallest way, Im trying, IM trying my best. You broke a whole nation, you broke their hopes, you shattered their dreams. I think you owe them something, something big. You owe them their LIVES!!! You owe the world, you owe your own people a life. A safe life. Yes four years on...Four Years on, But sadly it has become an eternity. An Endless Eternity...
I'm sorry to read that.. you know.. four years ago I went to work (I was a new starter back then) dressed fully in black, and no one noticed.. later I told them I wore black on 19 March 03 and no one even winced.. then they asked me why.. again no clue when ur country has sent troops to "liberate" iraq.. and "defend" this country from weapons which could be deployed in 45min..
we later found out there were no weapons and there was no 45 min.. and the man in charge has weeks to leave his office now.
sad times wallah, and will become sadder yet.. i don't see the light at the end of the tunnel, and if it comes it will probably be that of the train with more bodies or weapons.
"This war brought a new found freedom. Oh yes, a freedom that frees the predator and captures the prey." I really connected with this line.
I want you to know I am thinking of you. I do not know you but I read and think of you often. I am sorry for what America has done. It does not change anything but perhaps links us closer in our humanity. When I step outside to smoke I will think of you. Salaam
I am an Australian and I have been TRYING to do something about Iraq's refugees. Yes, yes, Neurotica, I agree with you!!! Our countries who were so ready to be part of "the coalition of the willing" should do something to help Iraq's refugees. It is the LEAST we can do.
I read todays news in Australia, and what did I find but....from the ABC March 21, 2007:.....
Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer says Australia has donated millions of dollars to the UN's refugee agency to try and help refugees in Iraq.
but further on in the article.....
"We've been putting money into UNHCR in Iraq to help them. I think we've given them about $6 million."
THINK??? He "THINKS"???? How responsible is that?
There are other sources living in Bagdad that have a totally different attitude and perspective on what is happening now than you do. I think it is time for you to leave and go to work for the BBC. Your bitterness and blame America for everything will fit right in very nicely.
Excellent post. Several polls of Iraqis claim that the majority of Iraqis "support attacks against American troops" yet, like you, a large number of Iraqis polled want the coalition to remain until they bring order to their country. Logically, there must be a large number of people who answer "yes" to both questions! Clearly there is some nuance to this viewpoint that is not being accurately represented - or are we to understand that many Iraqis want legitimate targets that still provide them safety and stability?
If Iraqis stood united against the occupation the US would leave. If a strong majority of Iraqis maintained that only a small minority wished to defeat nascent democracy and expel the occupiers then it would strengthen our resolve to stay and help.
But how is America suppose to ask her sons and daughters to bring security to people that the media are telling them wants to bring them harm?
Is part of the problem how these polls are conducted? Some are performed by outside research firms and others are performed by Iraqis. Do you think this might be part of the inconsistency? Are people free to answer pollsters honestly or are we still seeing what we saw in Saddam's days of minders looking over everyone's shoulders threatening harm if the "wrong" answers are given?
Of all the Iraqi bloggers I read, you seem to understand this seemingly paradoxical viewpoint best, so perhaps you can clarify for us how these two ideas can fit into one mindset?
At least you have now realized that people who took part in the fake elections have participated in the destruction of their own country...However, it seems from your analysis that you have been spending too much time talking to your occupiers or listening to their bogus news reports about how a withdrawal would cause more harm than good and how the Iraqis would kill each other blah blah blah...
This is the same trash they used to say about Vietnam and why they can't leave cause the vietcong would kill their countrymen etc...However, when the scum invaders did leave, the Vietnamese quickly brough the entire country under control while executing the obvious collaborators and traitors (you might want to get your bags packed nuerotica).
In Iraq it is the same story. The sectarian killings are encouraged and fueled by the occupation who bring in experts on murder, torture and mayhem (eg Negroponte) and then suddenly you have Shia shrines and Sunni mosques being blown up in an organized manner (oops!), and then throw in a few dozen of bodies daily from each side, and voila! you can scare people into believing that a sectarian war has magically taken hold of Iraq.
Also, you and your collaborator friends forget one important detail: the legitimate government of Iraq was not destroyed and has managed to restructure itself around the bulk of the exisiting Resistance groups. You may believe that by murdering Saddam and the other prisoners you are killing the legitimate government and thus giving no hope for Iraq to restructure itself after the occupation is expelled, however, the truth is there are hundreds of leaders and hundreds of loyal men and women who have taken the mantle from those who have passed away...
God bless the martyrs who have fallen fighting the occupation and its puppets.
We want the occupiers to leave and to take all the collaborators, including you and your "hubbie" with them back where they came from. You have done nothing but get richer from our misery while spouting bullshit like this post.
If you cared about Iraqis you would leave the Green Zone and help them instead of dealing with occupiers who were the cause of Iraqis' misery in the first place.
Just go. You are not welcome here.
ellen said
why would we want those people to come to america? ... we can see from here what they do to each other ... get the troops out and let the iraqi's get on with what they do so well to each other ...
Dear Anonymous,
Your selective lessons of history have been distorted by your teachers. Vietnam is not a free country and has a low standard of living compared to her distant democratic neighbors. America's withdrawal may not have resulted in the massacre of the South Vietnamese as some predicted, but one year later the same murderous ideology created the genocidal destruction of the Cambodian culture and people that is near unparalleled in history - all without any Americans. I am sure your anti-American revisionist idols have already instructed you on how this was also somehow America's doing. Pol Pot was created by the CIA? I don't want to hear it.
The war is over and now El Salvador is one of only four Central American free democracies which have the top four highest standard of living in that region, each because of American or British intervention no matter how bloody. I doubt you have ever met anyone from Vietnam nor from El Salvador, "collaborator", or otherwise. All you have to go on to judge America's successes and failures are what Chomsky et al. propaganda the Arabians and communists have drenched you with my friend.
I also doubt I can affect your point of view on this matter, Anonymous. You sound quite convinced that rule by oppression is the best option for Iraq (by Arab only oppression of course!) So I can only do my part and shed what little light I can on the history (as I see it) you are trying so hard to rewrite for the others reading this.
Dear others,
What a "scum invader" said then is as relevant now despite the sad history that (Anonymous gleefully reminded us) followed:
I don't agree with those who say we should withdraw. That would be a great mistake.... [The United States] made this effort to defend Europe. Now Europe is quite secure. We also have to participate—we may not like it—in the defense of Asia.
-John F. Kennedy
We failed. We did not defend Asia. MILLIONS upon MILLIONS died after we left as a result and the others left alive live in crushing silent oppression to this very day. Are we again going to shit on Kennedy's ideals? Are we AGAIN going to show the world that people who love to live in freedom and prosperity only deserve our blood if they live in Europe? More died liberating France in a single month than died during ALL of the Vietnam War. No one paused because we thought the French "weren't grateful enough." No one wondered that maybe the European culture "wasn't ready for democracy." Every American faced total thermonuclear annihilation to defend the freedom of Poland, The Czech Republic and East Germany. Are these people more valuable than Iraqis?
Are we going to let anonymous voices taunt us into giving up on our beloved blogger? Read his confused hate. He's ready to murder NIW and anyone like her (And there are MILLIONS like her) and for what? For believing in her country's future? What does he have to offer instead? The old "order" which also murdered MILLIONS!? How many will Anonymous consider collaborators? How many "refugees" do you think we will need to save? Yeah, we failed Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. We will get many painful anonymous reminders of that for a long time.
But we don't ALWAYS lose!
How many in Iraq still want what we helped build with France, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, Austria, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, South Korea, Taiwan, El Salvador, Belize, Costa Rica, Panama, South Africa, Japan? - MILLIONS upon MILLIONS!
I am not certain how spouting vitriol against America and blaming her for every little thing that has gone actually going to persuade Americans to help Iraqis! If you insult people, you cannot really expect them to want to jump up and down to help. The AMERICAN GOVERNMENT, not simply America, has brought us all to this point. Amerians want to help, but not if we are being insulted the entire time. Perhaps it would be a better tactic to focus on our common humanity and compassion as human beings-- to talk about what can legitimately be done to help and how the average person can go about it. Anger-filled tirades are legitimate and certainly understandable, but will they really have the desired effect that we all want?
NIW, We stay till the job's done (you guys have competent security forces that can stop this bloodshed). What happens afterwards, is up to you all.
Amerians want to help, but not if we are being insulted the entire time. Perhaps it would be a better tactic to focus on our common humanity and compassion as human beings-
I am sure your people can help us Iraqis the same way your forefathers "helped" the native Americans and made millions of them dissapear while stealing their land (oh sorry, America was "discovered" so those 25 million must have just been a glitch that needed fixing).
Abeer Janabi was "helped" by your brave troops who, after gang raping her, helped her out by murdering her entire family and pouring gasoline over her tortured and raped body and then setting her alight.
As for your comments of support to Neurotica...What can I expect from the occupier to say to the collaborator? Please don't help us occupy your land and persicute your people? Or, yes, you are doing a great job - please continue selling out your people by helping us stay here for the longest time possible and let your countrymen stand guard at the checkpoints and raid Iraqi homes looking for fighters so they can take the brunt of the Resistance attacks while our troops cower in the saftey of our bases and armored vehicles like we did in all the wars we fought.
As for the arrogant poster who claims that Americans "failed Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos"...The only thing you "failed" was in completing the genocide your tax dollars were busy working on...You failed only having murdered around 3 million people...
Very moving, indeed.
Hopefully, one day, we'll all restore our Iraq back and rebuild it for the coming generations.
I continue to read NIW blog and I am not sure why, it only infuriates me. I try to see the situation from her point of view. I just can't seem to do it. I don't see how America has destroyed the Iraqi peoples hopes and dreams, as stated by NIW. What hopes and dreams did they have with a murderous dictator in power?? Just curious. Did NIW even live in Iraq while it was under the control of Saddam?? Just curious. It doesn't matter though. All these different blogs I read only do one thing for me. They all drive home the fact that The United States should return to the isolationist state we were in prior to WWII. It is not our place to dictate democracy to other countries. If they want a change of government then let them revolt against that government, with no help from us. Some people do not want to be free. Some are happy to be ignorantly led around by the chains that bind them. Remove our troops form every country around the world, protect our borders, stop all foreign aide and learn to be self sufficient again.
How sad to see ugly nationalistic politics at work here. There are millions of Iraqs refugees who need help!!!
We are on the verge of a holocaust. Syria cannot cope with the refugees. They cannot go back to Iraq. There will be more leaving Iraq this year.
This is a crisis!!
I've always thought it "interesting" that Americans use 911 as justification for war. As if 3,000 American lives were morally superior to millions of other peoples' lives. As if torturing and raping and bombing and imprisoning and killing was justified because someone attacked New York. Nevermind that that "someone" happens to be the SAME people that attacked Iraq and Afganistan. It's a mind trip all right. A painful, morbid, scary mind trip.
hasbiya allah u na3am alwakeel.
Before 2003, there were two possible circumstances. Nobody knew which was true.
1) The Iraqi people desire a liberal democracy and have the capacity for it -- however, they are being held back by a brutal dictatorship.
-- or --
2) The Iraqi people are incompetent and that is why they have a brutal dictatorship.
Of course, now we know the the true situation.
NIW, it must be depressing sometimes to see the kind of comments on your blogs as the ones I saw on this particular subject but look at it from this angle, your blog is becoming a place were people argue/disagre/agree whatever. It is gaining more weight by the day and this is great! keep up the good work. It is obvious that many Americans (people I mean here) still have along way to understand / realize / believe the dirty role that their "elected" government is playing in Iraq. To me, the plan is clear, keep people working on the ground trying to re-build the country and at the same time do the behind-the-scene more effective dirty work of fueling the sectarian violence in Iraq. Yes, Iraqis are responsible for parts of it but The US could have done a much better job at controlling it. Continued chaos is better for US interests and with the new Oil law, I can see a not-so-far end to the American "active military" involvment in Iraq. Once they get the oil (dirt cheap per their proposed law!), they will withdraw their troops and keep a few thousands protecting American iterests in Iraq (oil fields!) and nothing else and the hell with Iraq, who cares! just like Nigeria in a way. Lets not forget what they have done to protect the Iraqi ministeries upon the invasion, nothing at all except for the oil ministry! Now we know why! This is just an example. Anyway, keep the spirits high NIW. I think you're trying to do your part, unfortunatly, it is not enough/not intended to be a success by the big brother. Sam-Iraqi in Canada.
I am an American. I live my quiet little life in a quiet little city, and politics largely do not affect my day-to-day material existence.
I imagine that the life I just described is the dream of many people around the world.
I do not have to fear armed gangs wandering the streets unless I go downtown at 2am. I do not have to fear being blown up when my car passes a parked car. I go to the supermarket and do not worry about the person walking past me wearing a heavy coat with a bomb underneath.
Not yet.
The problem in Iraq is that everyone has a different idea of what Iraq is, and everyone is trying to rach their goal. The Muslim Statists, the Iranians, the Kurds, the Turks, the Coalition forces, etc.
NIW, what is life like in the rest of Iraq, outside Baghdad?
In response to the last anonymous post. I would like to say that I as an American, know full well about the dirty role our government plays in Iraq and any other country in the world we are involved with. Have you ever been stationed in the Persian Gulf?? Have you ever even been there? Most of the people I associate with understand why the U.S. government does things. For you to make the statement that most Americans are ignorant to these situations I think is offensive to the intelligence of the American people. I would ask you what government in the world doesn't do the same things?? Does that make it right? No, it doesn't. Like I have said many times and I think the rest of the American people feel, we should leave all these country's to their own devices. They complain if we do they complain if we don't.
It is to bad that there can not be popular voting in the U.S. to make these decisions. Unfortunately we as Americans are constrained by our partisan, whining, to rich for their own good government. I would also like to add that if you don't like your way of life and the benefits you have as an American, go live in a country that has a "moral" government. Good luck finding one.
I stand corrected on my last post as I didn't catch the very end. I apologize for my rant as the last anonymous post was not an American. Again I apologize. Being as the post was not by an American I have no leg to stand on. I would like to make a point though about living in Canada. They reap the harvest of the seeds that American sows for them. If you don't believe that then you don't understand the dirty role every government plays in our global society.
Guys, i am a very simple iraqi, i have simple dreams, i was dreaming of a golden image of iraq, where all the poeple are living in prosperity and harmony. i was very happy when i saw the american troops for the first time entering Baghdad. i am sure that many iraqis wee thinking the same way i did. We all thought that America came to help us. But what happened is totaly different. The American government led the invassion, distroyed the infrastructure of Iraq, encouraged the sick-minded minority to loote the country, and then, they handed over the country to some dirty politicians. Do you believe that the american government spent all these years to plan for the invassion and finally they screw up because they counted on some corrupted poeple? Now, i am living away from my country, i haven't seen my family for 2 years 9during these 2 years my mother passed away). What future do you think i have away from my country? whome should i blame? shall i blame the people like NIW? shall i blame the simple iraqis like me who had a dream? i hope i will live enough to know the ansewr. Pray for Iraq and pray for Iraqis.
Very well said anonymous. You are right. sometimes we forget we are all children of God. That is my biggest failure as a Christian. We are all the same and we all deserve to be safe and happy. I will pray for your country and mine.
anon.. ra7mat allah 3ala roo7 el walda.. ameen
"The American government led the invassion, distroyed the infrastructure of Iraq,"
You are lying. Not one single water plant, electrical generating station, or sewage station was destroyed in the invasion. The telecommunications buildings that were destroyed were dual-use, and they were rebuilt within 9 months after the invasion.
Government buildings were destroyed, of course, they were regime targets.
"encouraged the sick-minded minority to loote the country, and then, they handed over the country to some dirty politicians."
False. There was no encouragement of looting. The Iraqi police walked off the job. There were insufficient numbers of American soldiers on the ground in the weeks after April 9 in Baghdad. If the Americans had shot looters on site, they could have controlled it--but then you'd be complaining about using deadly force to stop petty crimes.
"Do you believe that the american government spent all these years to plan for the invassion and finally they screw up because they counted on some corrupted poeple?"
The U.S. promised democracy, and it delivered. Very promptly, the USA appointed an interim government that was widely accepted.
Then, it facilitated a constitution, the referendum, and then the election. Iraqis voted with purple fingers. It wasn't
Americans in those polling places. You idiots voted for goofballs!
Tip: Anything called "The Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in [place]" SHOULD NEVER GET YOUR VOTE. However, people in the middle east are dumb as the sand they live on, and will vote for Islamists every time. Unbelievable.
While I rarely agree with you on certain things N.I.W.,( and I'm not even married to ya :O ) I always appreciate your thoughts and perspective.
Dear Anonymous, when i said that the troops destroyed the countr's infrastructure, i meant it.... man surf the internet and see the pictures of destruction. see the movies of sick American soldiers killing my poeple. When we decided to go ahead and elect the governement, the options we had were very few, and all of them came along with the troops and they had been supported by the American government. i still have the image of American soldiers laughing while they breaking the locked gates of the Iraqi Ministry of Trade and telling the poeple to go inside and take what they want. Finally, please do not use such a word as "IDIOTS". I know, and the poeple reading this comment know who is the "Idiot".
Thank you "Jbake3"
"buj" .... Oo yerham Waldaik
الفواكه كعك لكم جميعا. الامريكيون يبذلون قصارى جهدهم للمساعدة. المسيحيون سيتغير قريبا المعتقدات ولكم انتم ان صلاة الله على الغفران. آسف ان اقول انني اشعر بأنه ليس لكم بلدكم اي عمل جيد.
This last guy was sticking words together to make it sound like he's speaking Arabic. Dude it was so funny loll
hey neurotica,
have you checked this out?
i think the vids are pretty interesting!! they're up on youtube. :) anyway have a look
drop the red type on the green background...i'm getting dizzy
You are absolutely right in saying that the US has to stay in Iraq until they fix what they messed up………we didn’t want them in the first place……..but their there now, they’ve caused a lot of mayhem……but what’s done is done…….they should be responsible enough to sort it out….….actually the writing should not be in the contexts of 2nd or 3rd person but should be 1st person, he should get out “bush”
Well some people need to research
"Vietnamese Boat People"
before glorifying the communist
Norths Takeover of South Vietnam.
The solution in Iraq is simple
The Iraqi Parliament Votes
for an American Withdrawal
This current Government is certainly more legitimate then Saddams ... despite what the Saddamite commenters will tell you.
And by the way ... what would cause
the looting of Government ministries if Iraq was such a wonderful country to live in
before the American invasion.
Its a simple question why did
tens of thousands in Baghdad
loot the government ministries
if they were so happy
with Saddam ???
And why did the some peolple in The Kurdish region support the Iranians as Saddam claimed in order
to justify killing 180,000 Kurds ???
I mean lets assume Saddam was
right ... these people supported Iran ... the question then is
WHY ... I mean Iraq was such a
great place to live in unnder Saddam ... so why did the
1) Some Kurds support Iran in that war
2) The Shia rebel after First
gulf war ???
(and why don't we ask the Kuwaitti would they rather see
American soldiers in their streets
a) Saddams soldiers
b) Egyptian Soldiers
c) Syrian soldiers
3) The Looting after Americans invaded Baghdad ???
Why would these things happen
in such a unified, peacefull,
prospering country where the nations wealth was fairly distributed and all religious
and ethnic backrounds lived
in peacefull coexistence ???
The USA and Brits are responsable
for the death and destruction which occured during the first
6 weeks of the invasion ...
Agfter that ... all death by violent means and all destruction of infastructure and the drastic
slow pace of re-construction
is due to
1) al-queda operatives in bed
with Saddams hardcore
"patriotic resistence"
2) Moronic Shia militias loyal
to al-Sadr and Iran
Thats the facts ... thats the historical record ..
a) No "patrotic resistence"
b) No Shia militias
And coalition forces would have been gone 3 years ago
And Iraq would be blossoming with
at least 16 hours a day electricity
nation wide ... new residential housing with modern plumbing
sewahe and water systems ...
An entire slate of renovated
and equipped Hospitals and clinics.
There is no "patriotic resistence"
after three elections ... its called treason ... who are the
traitors now ??? the fools fighting
and elected government ... all elections were certified by United Nations
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