Page copy protected against web site content infringement by Copyscape neurotic Iraqi wife: Those Were The Days.....

neurotic Iraqi wife

April 14, 2005

Those Were The Days.....

I walk into the darkness and hear them cry
Random voices but there’s no one around
Amid the forest, everything seems so dry
Queues upon queues, leaves lay on the ground

I kick the leaves and stumble on a stone
Rummaged through the trees with my hands and knees
Aching were my bones, but I continued alone
Quiet became the night, with a slightly cold breeze

I hear those cries yet again
Rain began to pour on the dry plain earth
Amid the soil, hands reached out in pain
Quickly I dig, Its a woman giving birth

I dig some more trying to help
Reeking was the place, reeking was the air
A hand, a leg, a mother crying for help
Queasy became my self, I reached down in despair

I felt the blood and the lifeless corpses
Rows upon rows of rotting humans
As they lay there, dead without causes
Questions I ask, where they Shia’s, Sunni’s, Kurds or Christians

Iraq was a place once ruled by the devil
Rivers he dried, money he stole
A million and more were left to shrivel
Quickly they were buried alive in a hole

It’s the mass graves everywhere you see
Running, are the spirits away from He
An unborn child couldn’t even flee
Quiet were the wombs, how else would they be….

Im sorry if this is a feeble attempt of poetry but Im just angry and pissed off at the moment.It boggles my mind when people still wander whether getting rid of Saddam was worth it. It angers me more when I hear "Human Right" activists complain about the way insurgents are being treated on TV. Give me a F****** break will you!!!! Where were your voices when Saddam and his men took people in the middle of the night from their homes, from their beds, and tortured them??? Where were your voices when bodies were cut up and thrown infront of houses for their families to claim???Where were your voices when his sons raped and murdered girls???

Tell me where were your voices when unborn children were buried in the earth. Thousands upon thousands just disappeared. Where were your voices when the massacre of Halabcha took place, or the massacre of the March uprising in the South???

Your reports didnt save them, and now you come and say that its against human rights for those criminals to be shown on TV??? My God!!! Dont give me text book words, and talk about principles. Do these "suicide" bombers have principles by killing hundreds of innocent people inorder to get a few hundred dollars??? Are these the principles we want to teach the new Iraqi generation????

These are videos of Saddam's men torturing people. I couldnt even continue watching, too disturbing too real. Be warned these videos are really DISTURBING and GRAPHIC. If you can watch them, watch them and then come to me and tell me that it wasnt worth it removing Saddam and his tyrant regime. Watch them and then come to me and tell me that these criminals on tv are being unjustifyingly slapped around.

Torture Video one (Beatings)

Torture Video two (Beheadings)

In my opinion, even if this show is a "hoax" which is what most Saddam die hards say, its giving people the courage to come forward and help catch those low life criminals. Id rather see one criminal tortured rather than hundreds of innocent people walking by minding their own business being shred to pieces by suicide bombs!!!

If that doesnt satisfy you, then look at the mass graves. The mass graves that until this day they are still discovering more and more of them. So umm yeah those were the days where people were safe,huh??? Those were the days were everyone was happy, yeah???Those were the days were people sang and dance,aha..... Yup Those Were The Days......
posted by neurotic_wife at 3:30 PM


My thoughts are with you, your country and your husband. I hope that your country can live to its former greatness. I hope our men and women come home safely and no one else is lost. I hope . . .

April 14, 2005 at 4:18 PM  

dear neurotic, your poem and the words you wrote after are very moving, i wish it would be published in every magazine and newspaper in the world, i wish that peter jennings of ABC news would read it on US "world news tonight of diane sawyer on "primetime live". i have seen the pictures of the mass graves on sam's blog site and my friend who is a US Marine was one who was there when the first ones were found, he says he cares not if there were any WMD for he has seen with his own eyes the bodies, the anguish of your people diggin with their hands to relcaim the remains of their loved ones, i know it is just a small gesture, but take heart and hope that there are MANY around the world and here in the US who, because of you and your fellow Iraqi's blogging who know the truth beyond a shadow of a doubt the horror you have been thru, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your courage in speaking out. i love your poem, if you don't mind i would like to print it out and post it all over my town, and even send it to my newspaper(although i doubt they will print it) i will put in on bulliten boards and street poles every where, you have done a trememdous job. may God bless you and keep you and your family safe, and God bless Iraq.

April 14, 2005 at 6:45 PM  

It's frustrating to watch - I think people have trouble seeing the value of historical moments while they are living it. I read a quote on another blog by Eleanor Roosevelt 'The patient may praise the doctor, but will throw stones during the recovery'.

I know that time will only bring much happiness and it's easy to blame, it's just not easy to look ahead.

Love your poetry should do more!

April 14, 2005 at 7:47 PM  


now poetry? I have competition in you as well?..hehe

as usual..I come to your site and always leave in utter amazement as I watch you mature in your writing and words. I agree the previous, that your words should be read here. The media is against the war for its "babarism" while they stood by and watched the rape of your country for so many years.

Once again, your visualizations bring the reality to true light.



April 14, 2005 at 8:32 PM  

Ugh these wannabe human rights activists give me diarrhea i swear. It's bad enough they stayed mute for all of these 35 years and even now when they are slaughtering iraqis (under a differnet name) like sheep but to come up later and defend these criminals really blows my mind. I'd really like to know how the minds of these lower beings function anyway.

April 14, 2005 at 8:54 PM  

You know what is interesting about these "Human Rights Advocates"? They never seem to have a problem with any monsters and what they do. Oh they'll make a few noises, but hey, you know, "do your own thing, peace out" UNLESS it is the US that does something about it. Then the weeping, teeth-gnashing and general moaning commences. Dirtbags.

April 14, 2005 at 9:20 PM  

Very meaningful piece of work, your poetry....I hope it gets wide circulation. We stand with you....

April 15, 2005 at 6:54 AM  

Where was I when Sadam was killing and torturing? Blissfully ignorant, learning how to drive, taking frequent airplane trips and unaware of the dirty politics involved in keeping US gas prices low. The things Sadam did, did not affect me and I did not pay attention to my government's covert and overt support.
But now, my governement's name is all over this and it sickens me. It's no longer a case of some sicko tyrant very far away, it's my government committing huge human rights abuses directly and with their own hands while they ominously curtail freedoms and muffle truth here in the US. So don't be so self-righteous that I care more now. Sadam was your creature fed and groomed by Reagan and Bush I. But Bush II is my monster, killing, raping and maiming in MY name, and then pretending that they're the good guys.
I'm not buying it and neither should you.
If you honestly believe that Bush gives a rat's ass for Iraqi freedom, you're completely out of touch with reality.

April 15, 2005 at 5:15 PM  

Anomynous, get your facts straight. Saddam did receive some support from US during the Iraq-Iran war, but it was insignificant compared to China, USSR, France, Germany and neighboring Arab countries.

April 16, 2005 at 6:31 PM  

Powerful words. Lucid and insightful. Please keep them coming.

The "anonymous" above is our American version of your Iraqi insurgents. They are in love only with the power of their political party, the Democrat Party. Because of the (quite deserved) Democrat ouster from political power in America, these whiny idiots continually babble things like the foolishness above; they clog our TV and newspapers day and night with this garbage. They will NEVER listen to your voices with honest ears, just like your criminals that our media calls insurgents will never listen to the majority of Iraqi and MidEast voices. They claim concern for others, but it is never about anything but themselves, and they're okay with letting you die for their advancement.

Then they whine about the lack of respect their opponents give them...

Because of them, people who in America are much like Mullahs, people with names like Dobson and Falwell and Wildmon, are indeed poisoning the social and political discourse in America. They can do this only because anonymous is the only other choice of a voice the American voting public has! They complain so loudly, without ever considering that they are the biggest part of the problem.

It is a lot like in the MidEast, where mostly the choices are only between monsters like Saddam and monsters like the Mullahs. I hope the Iraqis, and all the MidEast peoples, remember that only by the reasonable people staying active, vocal and aware do they escape the clutches of the kooks and fools, of whatever persuasion of belief...

April 17, 2005 at 2:09 PM  


Saddam is responsible for Saddam. He lied, thieved, and murdered his way to the top without any American help. The US only used him to beat up on Iran, used both evil dictatorships to weaken the other. That does not imply endorsement.

April 18, 2005 at 7:44 PM  

No WMDs in Iraq? You must be kidding! Saddam Hussein = WMD.

April 19, 2005 at 8:27 PM  

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