neurotic Iraqi wife
September 20, 2008
Generation Iraq
Thanks for your sponsorship of the orphans, I'm sure all the seeds you plant will come fruits.
XXXX told me about you and my pleasure to know you and work with you to help the Iraqi Orphans. My name is xxx I'm the Director of G.I. ORG. Baghdad Office, Iraq
As you know the continuing wars & terrorism in Iraq have left deep and painful scars in the memory of the Iraqi People, there is not a body or soul untouched in Iraq, the wars made deep wounds that have been part of our soul, so they can never be forgotten and women, Children are the victims, we decided to help our people and our nation, through out helping the widows and the children.
I'm working with G.I. Org. in this program of sponsoring the orphans at the orphanges supported by G.I. Org. I'm working with 3 orphanges the first one is Bait Al-Toufil orphanage at Karada District we have 50 boys Ages from 7-up to 18 years old. The other orphanage for girls is St. Hanna Orphanage at Karada District we have 64 girls Ages from7-20, also we have Zafaraniya District we help the orphans and displaced widows immigrated from south of Iraq owing to the hard situation of Security and the sectarian wars they lost the parents, Families, homes and they were in bad situation, each widow have 6 or 7 kids without money and home. I.G.Org. works hard to support them.
Also G.I. Org. extending the assistance for ( Dar Annyah) Karada District, this house have 40 disabled ladies we providing them with medicial care, clothing, and other supplies. I hope our work will be avery positive and very helpful, I have 2 Orphans for you to sponsor:
The first Orphan: Ahmad 9- years old ( Bait Al-Toufil Orphanage) he had lost his parents in the explosion in Dora District last year and had 3 sisters : Zainab 6 years old, Fatima 12 years old and Maryam 8 years ol, She lives with her 2 sisters in the Garage very old and narrow with her grandmother at Abou Nawas Street and they have nothing, so I want you to sponser Maryam.
She asked me to take her with her sisters to St.Hanna Orphanage but the problem is with the grandmother she is very old and they connot leave her alone in the street, I'm planning to take Maryam to St.Hanna Orphanage, though it is very hard to seperate the girls. Maryam 8 years old she is nice with full smile on her face always she is happy.. and have hope for the future...!!
On the day of the explosion she was with her family and she survived and founded by the Iraqi Police she had serious burns on her legs & arms and she stayed one month at the hospital with her grandmother. Now she is in great need of help,
Thanks again for your assistance and may the Al-Mighty God bless you.
~End of Email~
So please make their life worthwhile. Let them taste the true meaning of the word. I dont want to ever see this image again.

We may not be able to alter the political situation, but at least, we can alter some lives. Maybe not all, but a few. This cause is very very close to my heart, I hope it is to yours. Please spread the word...
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