Page copy protected against web site content infringement by Copyscape neurotic Iraqi wife: The Amazing Pleasure-Release Hole...

neurotic Iraqi wife

June 18, 2008

The Amazing Pleasure-Release Hole...

We had to attend an Ethics lecture the other day due to the many complaints the organization was receiving because of certain individuals. To be honest, although I wasn’t looking forward to sitting there and listening to stuff I already know, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought it was a good eye opener to people who are new and who think they are here for something other than work.

Funny enough, you’d think that JCL would get the point, but what do you know, the minute we were done, she once again was talking to the GB telling him about the class!!! I just rest my case, people have already complained to upper management, and if THEY don’t wanna do anything about it then that’s their problem. I honestly do not care anymore, nor have the energy to get worked up about it.

When you work in an environment similar to ours, you tend to become an expert in phasing out many things, and just take a stance back. Besides I heard my Boss will be coming for a visit soon, and that by itself relaxes me. I like him a lot because he is as straightforward as can be, and accepts no Bullshit from anyone!!!

In the past few weeks, Ive noticed many strange things and I need to ask the question; when does sexual harassment, really become harassment? Take yesterday for instance, I was out smoking, this new government person who has only been here a few days, was out there smoking too. I was wearing a Betty Boo t-shirt which I bought in NY last year. He looked at me and said;

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah Betty Boo, looks just like the person wearing it”
I gave him my fake smile and said umm, don’t think so, trying to be cordial if you know what I mean, but he continued,
“Well I guess not the face, but neck down”
WTF!!!I was stunned at his words. My stomach churned with disgust, it was way too early in the morning for me. This time the fake smile was substituted by my angry frowned face, and I replied
“You may need another set of glasses with the right prescription this time. I better go back inside”
When I was relaying this story to a coworker, he suggested I introduce the weirdo to JCL. That just cracked me up…

But nevertheless, I was so pissed off and disgusted!!! How can a simple t-shirt seem so provocative? And Im definitely not going to blame myself, cause anyone who knows me, knows the kinda attitude I have around here. So do we call those remarks sexual harassment? Yesssssssssssss. And if he does it one more time, I will give him a warning and a copy of the ethics training slides.

God, I wish I was a man with a weeny. Im serious, no one will dare say such profanities then unless they have a different sexual orientation. Sometimes one would think receiving such comments is ok or flattering. But NO. NOT OK with me. And Ive mentioned before, I barely talk to anyone, and if I do, then its with people I know are harmless. I don’t mind jokes from friends, but from people I barely know, now that’s not acceptable.

The other day, I ran out of cigarettes, there’s a small shop across the road where I get my smokes from. As I was crossing the road, I saw a few American tanks on the sidewalk. I wasn’t too sure if I wanted to be near them, cuz I knew what was coming. But I was in desperate need for my nicotine. As I crossed, I heard the whistles and the laughter. I just blocked them out and brisk walked to the shop.

After buying my stuff, and as I was leaving, I saw the tanks again. All I could think of was “Shit, here we go again” And what do you know, the whistles and woohooo’s started. Ok, in normal circumstances, normal places, I woulda either screamed at them or slapped their faces, but I couldn’t do neither here. I felt my heart racing and my anger reaching top level. I did something I despise doing, I spat on the floor. Well not literally, but it’s a sort of an Iraqi way of disrespect when you stare right at the person and say “tfooo 3alaikum oo 3ala illee khalafokum”. Wont even try to translate that. Although they probably didn’t understand a word I was saying, the gesture by itself was enough. But that didn’t stop them, I heard them say “oooooooooooooh, miss angry” UGHHHHHH

I was just flabbergasted!!! And no these things don’t only happen with Americans, it also happens by Iraqis. Infact it happens everywhere to everyone. But my question still remains, when is it really a sexual harassment? When JCL prances in and throws herself at men, is SHE “sexually harassing” them? What if they are consenting to it? What if both are mature adults and know exactly what theyre doing. Is that harassment?

About a year ago, I read an article (tried locating it but couldn’t find it) describing the main reasons behind the terrorists horrid actions. It blamed it all on sexual frustration. So I found the perfect cure for ALL the “frustrated” men (from all nationalities) that need to release some of that tension.

Instead of building bases all over the country, ie FOB’s or Terrorist training grounds, they should invest in a large room more like a humongous warehouse. It will be similar to a luxurious bathroom with all the fixtures and fittings merged with a post office. Each PO box, will have the person’s name (for hygienic reasons), they open it up, and its like a urinal, a urinal with a built in replica of a “woman’s organ” plus maybe bose speakers that will mimic the woman’s moans to give it that all natural real effect. And there, they can do their business, and release ALL their tension without being abusive.

Yeah, I think I will patent the idea and call it the Amazing hole. The Amazing Pleasure-Release Hole…

PS: The video I posted previously, a marine throwing a puppy, I read the marine got reprimanded. I think the pleasure hole will solve many of his psychotic issues...
posted by neurotic_wife at 7:26 AM


You could just register the whistles, etc. as compliments. But, I don't appreciate it, either. No one wants to be looked at as a sex object. Well.......maybe JCL, but I don't consider her normal.

"a marine throwing a puppy"
I didn't see the video, but that makes me ill. He should have gotten more than a reprimand. Anyone who would do that has some serious anger and/or behavioral issues.


June 18, 2008 at 12:33 PM  


Sexual Harassment includes witnessing this behavior too. So if JCL continues to flaunt, technically, you could file a complaint. The U.S. military guys shouldn't be whistling at you either. All branches of the military have an office specifically set up for such harassment. It's called Equal Opportunity Office. I attached a link from Google Search here:

It still happens in the military though, obviously. I was constantly approached by a married guy at work nearly every day. He'd say, "C'mon, no one is in here. Just let me kiss you real quick." Stuff like that...GROSS! AND I was friends with his civilian wife. What a shit. So one day, we are alone in the building, and he corners me and tries to kiss me. Well, my knee found the appropriate "target" and he never bothered me again. Nor did he tell anyone about me assaulting him.

Good luck with everything :)



June 18, 2008 at 5:11 PM  

All the more reasons to get those ignorant non-respecting americans out of our country. Not only do many of them have problem with respecting our culture and history and faith but many of them insult us. Not only are they non-Iraqi citizens, in other words foreigners ,in a country thus GUESTS (who should and MUST behave in the country they are in), but they are UNWELCOMED guests, guests we never asked for to come. Treating you like that just show how much they think of us in general. Thus I find just more reasons to either kill americans in the country or let the m get out.

As you said, its not only Americans who do this, Iraqis do this too. I remember once when my Mom said she met similiar people like those Americans (but Iraqis of course) in the 70's. They were similiar to those guys you described. Having Iraqi males/men do it is already ENOUGH for us, we don't need some freakin foreign dipshits coming to our country and adding their shit to it.

You did well by spitting on the ground (love the phrase you told them). Seriously those are the type of foreign soldiers I would rather kill instead of letting them leave our country. There should be a law for foreigners: Insulting one of our women unprovoked, even if its just a minor insult, end up with severe punishment. Insulting the men? Ok, but the women? No f*cking way.

As for that goverment person, complain about it to whoever take care of those things at your work. If I were you I wouldn't even give him a warning but carry out an action against what he did without waiting one second. Its not worth giving him a warning, its better to make him into an example of what happens when people try to harass you.

June 18, 2008 at 5:19 PM  

Entities can have whatever rules and regulations they want, it will not change the behavior of humans. I find it comical that 'anon' wants a ''law for foreigners'', and yet in the West here, people want 'their' laws to be introduced from their countries and belief system. And if not allowed they cry oppression. All this feeds is the view, why don't you go back to where you came from, if this place is so bad.
Humans are a sexual creature, some have more control over the biological need than others. Sexual interaction between men and women is a complicated ritual and like walking thru a minefield at times. Lets deal with some facts, no one would be married or have a spouse if not physically attracted to them first. We do not see their minds when first meeting, we are attracted first physically, then mentally. If they are not mentally compatible, then we reject them. And how does the human female attract a possible companion, mentally? No, the billion dollar cosmetic industry to dry up and die if that was the case.
This is the reality of it, when I go fishing I can use a certain bait to hopefully catch the 'type' of fish I wish to, but sometimes different fish bite which I don't want.

June 18, 2008 at 6:27 PM  

hi neurotica. isn't it Betty Boop?

June 18, 2008 at 6:54 PM  

"Entities can have whatever rules and regulations they want, it will not change the behavior of humans."

True, it won't change the behavior of humans, however having a strict punishment will make them think twice before carrying out their human behaviours. By your logic we might as well erase all laws simply because they will never eliminate our human behaviour.

"I find it comical that 'anon' wants a ''law for foreigners'', and yet in the West here, people want 'their' laws to be introduced from their countries and belief system. And if not allowed they cry oppression. All this feeds is the view, why don't you go back to where you came from, if this place is so bad."

Are you thinking straight or are you just an idiot? Where did I ever say the Western world? My talk was about foreigners of any nationality, but especially Americans. Does the U.S define the whole western world? Australia? Western Europe? What, those simply disappeared now? True, I've seen people complain about the laws of the countries they are in here in the West, no doubt about that, both of us can agree on that. Personally I have nothing against those laws as long as it doesn't affect the country or the local population of the country. If it just slightly affects it or if most people are against it then I'm against it myself. I go with what the local population want, not with what I, foreigners or some minority want. When I visited London before I made sure to behave good, I studied the important aspects of their culuture, traditions, language, values, what behavior is considered offensive and non-offensive, and the laws etc. I made sure to follow everything to not break their laws or insult them, I didn't go there expecting to be able to follow my own laws.

See, you're not thinking straight, I never said that just because I'm all for putting a law against foreigners in MY country it means my people or anyone else should go and demand their laws to be accepted in another country. I go with fair treatment. I don't give a shit about how other countries treat their foreigners, about how some of them cry about being oppressed just beacuse they can't get their laws to be legal over there. That's none of my problem, I'm talking about IRAQ now, not the WESTERN world. I would love to go back where I came from, in fact I was there for two years several years ago until I left. If you're an U.S citizen or a British citizen then you have yourself and your people to blame for me not living in my country. I've followed the laws of the western nation I live/lived in, I've integrated in the society, I respect the culture and the values, the people. I never demand them to accept my Iraqi culture, my religion or my values and traditions. I practice all of this privately in my home, were it goes all well and not out in the open were it could affect or offend the people and I help to contribute to the overall society as a citizen to keep the country in good shape. Thus I'm nothing more then a civilized human being. Unlike your people my people, didn't come to the country they are moving in with foreign troops killing the locals, they didn't come with fighter aircrafts blowing up the locals or their buildings and they didn't come with tanks killing the locals and they didn't come to the nation to insult its women. Thus:

1. I haven't broken any laws.
2. I've not insulted the population in any way.
3. There's no reason for me to leave (even though I would if my country was stable today, not to say that the country I live in suck, its great, great culture, good people etc. but I'm leaving this place in the future anyway as the western world is becoming just more and more intolerant and discrimination and racism is just increasing as compared to what it was in the 70's,80's and 90's. Asia seem to be the only continent were I would be treated fairly for who I am and not for what my name, race, skin color, background or faith is.)

"Humans are a sexual creature, some have more control over the biological need than others. Sexual interaction between men and women is a complicated ritual and like walking thru a minefield at times."

Great talk and all that, how does this have to do with anything I said? I seriously hope you're not justifying the insult towards our women (God knows how many time foreign troops have insulted our women since 2003) by saying that humans are sexual creatures? If so that's a poor excuse. Sexual interaction between women and men VARY IN EACH COUNTRY. While a girl from the U.S might feel less angry about the fact that some foreign assholes are provoking her the same doesn't apply to Iraqi girls or women. What those soldiers did is deemed as EXTREMELY offensive to Iraqi women, the fact that they are foreigners, and in the end even Americans, make it even more worse. The way they provoked her is already deemed as offensive if it was Iraqi men who did it, a bunch of us who tend to be more civilized tend to call them "ibnil showare3", not going to bother and translate that. Seriously, do you think I'm just going to stand and be quite when a woman of my country get insulted and PROVOKD by foreign troops? If so you're dead wrong. There's a reason to why Iraqi men exist. I'll repeat myself again: Its enough with Iraqi idiots insulting their own women, we don't need unwelcomed foreigners who add their shit to it.

"Lets deal with some facts, no one would be married or have a spouse if not physically attracted to them first. We do not see their minds when first meeting, we are attracted first physically, then mentally. If they are not mentally compatible, then we reject them. And how does the human female attract a possible companion, mentally? No, the billion dollar cosmetic industry to dry up and die if that was the case. This is the reality of it, when I go fishing I can use a certain bait to hopefully catch the 'type' of fish I wish to, but sometimes different fish bite which I don't want."

Look dude, you're writing good and all that, but those "facts" have nothing to do with the subject at hand. I respect your opinion and view of this but this part is just irrelevant to the discussion, unless I'm seriously missing what you're trying to prove here. If so please elaborate more. So far what you've said doesn't even excuse sexual harassment, wether it happened to be by some retarded Iraqi man or by some terrorist foreign combatant.

June 18, 2008 at 7:11 PM  

Bamboo, see the video 2 posts ago. Whistles dont do anything. As you said, to be seen as a sex object is a no no

Lol Mel, I like that, hitting them where it hurts. Well the guy keeps trying to talk to me today, but I just avoid him or go somewhere else to smoke...

Anon, I dont agree with you as far as the killing part. Thats abit too much. I mean cmon la3ad il 3ira8ieen ishonhum???They do exactly the same thing. Infact, here, THEY STARE!!!Its as if we are aliens, we as in women. So I guess my post is not directed to a certain faction, its directed to all the male species around!!!

WH, if what youre saying is true, then I guess its ok for people to have sex out in the open, what do you think abt that???

Tib, yes, you are absolutely right, I forgot the P!!! Thanx

June 18, 2008 at 7:51 PM easily discussions about human sexuality show social environmental conditioning.

'anon' "Where did I ever say the Western world? My talk was about foreigners of any nationality"

Your right, you weren't talking about it, I was...reading comprehension is a valuable asset.

"neurotic" I said, human sexuality and interaction is a complicated issue...trying to simplify it to a location or just the act oversimplifies the discussion.

June 18, 2008 at 8:42 PM  

That's exactly where I think we differ NIW(neurotic Iraqi wife), you're not the first to tell me that killing is too much. And I can even agree that many might believe its crazy, I understand that but I have my reasons, and I tend to be very extreme towards foreign troops on my soil. I believe in an Iraq for Iraqis, not an Iraq for Americans, for foreign troops, for Persians, for Saudis, for religious extremists prfor madmen (which can be Iraqis themselves). Al 3ira8ieen wouldn't be any different, they should be punished according to the Iraqi law, them being Iraqi is NOT going to save them, I'm all for a punishment toward Iraqi men who are too. Although I don't know about that staring part. I mean sure, alot of guys stare at women, common in any country, but they could also stare at you for an entirely different reason (your work, what you do, who you are etc.). The reason I'm putting stricter punishment on foreigners, especially those who forced their way in (remember, us Iraqis and Iraq are like one big family in the house, al erhab and the coalition forces are nothing more then people who knocked down our door and entered) is because they are foreigners, guests, and they should know better when it comes behaving yourself in another country. When you visit your cousins or your friends you behave yourself, you don't go there and start doing whatever you want. American troops do exactly the same thing countless of times in Japan and South Korea (two reasons why the locals of Okinawa don't exactly favor them and reason why South Koreas youth, or South Korea itself is quite anti-american).

Furthermore why is it always American troops who cause trouble, or western troops in general (although it really tend to be limited to American and British troops) who end up talking shit about us. When I was in my stay in Iraq the only troops who caused trouble and who I saw insulting us was American troops. I only heard about one or two incidents about British troops doing something stupid. I mean I saw Japanese troops back when they were still in Iraq and not ONCE did I see them offending us let alone hear from someone that they had done something stupid. Instead they seemed to be extremely careful about not making us angry and respecting us.

Gotta get going! ga3d ashwi degag lol.

Stay safe always, peace! :)


I still miss Iraqi samoon, best bread ever :(

June 18, 2008 at 8:46 PM  

External perceivable conflicts bound in just cause command automatic reactionary performance responsive to the child's need. When our children command tanks our weight is in the Heavens. The absent mind must be refitted with the constructs of momentous reliance on initial conditional growth process from origin. Our new friends must celebrate life beyond early generative need fulfillment. Guilt in climax is expected for both individuals or parties performing mathematically enhanced dream states. Furthering the delusional context of shifting insubordination with an emphasis on comfort through daydreaming neglects actual superiority. While actual facts under initial conditioning maintain peace time ethics overall human relevance can retard decades into the past schematic. If the ethical control is rehashed "generatively equal" external performance is negated with acceptable conditions for individual self reliance. Those individuals or parties can dutifully maintain their constructive behaviors without entertainment purposes colluding around weak need fulfillment. Goal rather then Nipple weaning should resound sacrifice and greater giving as heightened awareness and regard. Are breasts the catalyst of failure?

June 18, 2008 at 10:09 PM  

LOL, I really got a blast out of your “tfooo 3alaikum oo 3ala illee khalafokum”. I have not heard this for quite some time and it really reminded me of how diversified are the ways in which Iraqis can express themselves.

The amazing hole (as a concept) is common in wars but it has been historically more of a "whorehouse" rather than the more high end and definitely more hygienic solution that you suggested. Women in uniform don't have this problem as "amazing organs" are commercially available.

One more thing, reading the comments on your blogs is becoming more and more "interesting"! take care.

June 18, 2008 at 10:21 PM  

First so from your distant picture you look very beautiful so is you look like betty boo be blessed and your husband id tripple blessed.

Next sexual harrasment is when you feel harrassed i.e. you feel harrassed and then you point out to the person they are over the line and tell them to stop; and thing that continues is harrassement.

Men? years ago I say a USN study that showed that men are harrassed as much as weman BUT we do not mind, even enjoy it. So If I was single and you wanted to force yourself on me Ok I give:>

About a year ago I got a Boob shot on my cell phone from one of my daughters friends, all our # are off by a digit, and manes almost the same. 1. I warned her to be more careful and said it was not nice to tease small girls that way. 2. for a year I tease her for more photos in front of her friends; She enjoys the banter the girls all learn a lesson, I hope, and I have alittle fun. What this all means is it is all up to intrpitation so YOU MUST VOICE YOUR OPPISITION TO THE COMMENTS.

For the Tanks put in a formal complant to the base CO pointing out it makes some IQ's want to shoot at the solders; Is this a really studid idea?

Last evry one has a different standard and when I once joked to my daughter and her friends that for her 18 birthday I would take the all to a strip club, I was very suprised that they all took me serious and ALL wanted to go and see so what can I tell you, some would call that hassment some not sinse they enjoyed the exchange and no one said they we offended it is not.

Good Luck

June 18, 2008 at 10:59 PM  

"Well the guy keeps trying to talk to me today, but I just avoid him or go somewhere else to smoke..."

guys like that can never respect an independent hard worker woman, only a submissive one. so tell him "sorry, my husband doesn't allow me to talk to strangers" and probably he will respect you. :)

June 19, 2008 at 12:31 AM  

To Whom It May Concern,
My name is Joseph Wineroth and I work for the Arab Press Network, a
department of the World Association of Newspapers in Paris, France.
I am writing you because I am currently working on a series of articles
profiling adolescents' thoughts about their country's media.
I was curious if you could put me in contact with an Iraqi Teen or pass over
the following questions to one. If it's possible we would like a photo of
the teen as well. Please let me know what you can do for us and know that
your help is greatly appreciated.
Joseph Wineroth

June 19, 2008 at 11:57 AM  

I do understand your frustration, and it is not correct that US forces are harassing you. Next time go up to them and ask to speak with their Lieutenant in charge of the squad, or their senior Sergeant. That will shut them up QUICK... and the soldier with the puppy was more than reprimanded, he was taken out of action and will likely recieve a dishonorable discharge from the military..

June 19, 2008 at 5:02 PM  

Greatest Male Ass in the World Contest

Difficult choice but don't be swayed by just good looks...

Here they are; the three finalists for the '2008 Greatest Male Ass in the World Contest'.





June 19, 2008 at 6:29 PM  


June 19, 2008 at 10:29 PM  


June 19, 2008 at 10:31 PM  

A different perspective:
1. Report the tankers to their CO. Try to memorize or write down the numbers on their vehicles.

2. Do NOT show any reaction at the time. What they want is reaction. It's like they're serving a tennis ball. Don't return the serve. Game over.

3. As to the unwanted familiarity from the other smoker in the courtyard, you've got two options: either remove yourself to another spot or tell him, verbally, that you don't want to talk. And say, "I'm saying NO." If he continues, report him to his supervisor.

June 20, 2008 at 7:01 AM  

Typically, in the USA, sexual harassment involves work place environments, job opportunities, rental agreements/contracts, and ownership and/or negotiations for ownership of property.

In the USA, coersion is the primary factor in the determanation of sexual harassment. That a female or male may be forced to alter their behavior, their decisions, their judgment unless they submit to unwanted sexual advances, threat, or innuendo.

In every country of the world, if you are pleasant appearing and of breeding age, both men and women will get cat-calls, whistles, and loud comments as they pass by groups of soldiers and construction workers. It's the way it is. It's the way of testosterone. (true story!!)

At the same time, throughout the world, especially if the woman is young and beautiful such as you, men will fall over themselves to open doors, to help with the packages, to offer to buy dinner and/or drinks, to listen to every whim and complaint. Again, it's the way it is. It's the way of testosterone.

As annoying as it is right now, as much as you want it to go away, there's a reality here. It won't last forever. When you get to be my age, things change in a most dramatic way.

My best advice is to lighten up. Enjoy what you can, revel in what is truly great and wonderful, and let go of the rest. Nothing lasts forever.

In love and light,
Chris Em

June 20, 2008 at 7:27 AM  

don't sweat the small stuff ... smile and wave back at them ...

in the big picture ... it's not that big a deal ..

June 20, 2008 at 2:05 PM  

Anon 8:46.

Keep in mind, the US has had as many as 160,000 troops in Iraq at once. That's WAY more than any other foreign nationality. The British, who've had the second most troops in Iraq, only maxed out at about 5,000. The Japanese have far fewer in Iraq. Considering the US has more than thirty times as many troops in Iraq as any other foreign country, it stands to reason they'd be behind more incidents than anyone else.


June 20, 2008 at 8:13 PM  

Same with Chris Em, My best advice is to lighten up. Enjoy what you can, revel in what is truly great and wonderful, and let go of the rest. Nothing lasts forever.

hanep - Belajar SEO

June 22, 2008 at 3:49 PM  

Dennis, true there, I should have thought of that. Its logical for Iraq to have more incidents with U.S troops in Iraq due to the numbers of the troops as you said. I would except no less from U.S troops though. Still, my experience is that asians tend to have alot more respect and tend to be alot more careful when they visit a foreign country compared to westerners. That's not to say that all Asians are perfect and all westerners are bunch of arrogant people. I've met a bunch of great westerners who have alot of respect towards the countries they visit.

June 22, 2008 at 8:41 PM  

I'd also like to mention that sending out U.S troops or even coalition forces out of our country will reduce, without a doubt, the number of harassments on our women. That is unless a new group of foreigners replace them. And no, sending out all foreign soldiers from Iraq or killing them is NOT going to end the problem. The problem will still exist, however just because it won't go away doesnt mean we have to add more of it.

June 22, 2008 at 8:45 PM  

honestly i think the american men r more polite than the iraqi men cuz when i pass by american soldiers they just whistle to me or say hi sometimes they shout (aw) but the iraqi men some of them r very nasty i have heard alot of embaressing comments like(i wanna lick ur pussy) (i wanna fill it) and more nasty comments ..well i dont work in the army im just an iraqi civilian and this is my point of view.

July 16, 2008 at 11:14 PM  

scarey stuff people, fight it and don't give in.

look at the mess the west are in, women exploited for centuries.

keep speaking out about it and shame the swines whatever denomination they claim to be

peace be with u
c'mon the hoops!

October 18, 2009 at 4:06 AM  

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