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neurotic Iraqi wife

August 08, 2006

My Nomads Life...

After the email we received from W, we called him up to check on him...He sounded much better than the email he sent, yet you can feel a twing of sadness and fear...He asked us whether we have settled down yet...whether we found jobs etc...The answer to both questions were no...Then silence...I guess he had high hopes...high hopes that 2 months after leaving Baghdad, we woulda gotten somethng by now...Little did he know that HUBBY was in a world of his own for awhile...We promised him, that as soon as we do get something we will let him know...Meanwhile we asked him if he could get a visit visa, and come here for awhile...Just a break...a break for him and his bride....A sort of honeymoon that they never got to have...The words Inshallah(God Willing) were uttered...An expression that is sometimes used when nothing WILL happen...

Back here, on the homefront...things between HUBBY and I, are almost perfect...I say almost cuz I know that the bubble will burst, one day...I guess its like a vicious cycle...Besides thats normal...Ups and downs...Being unemployed isnt really fun...After the hectic and challenging time in Baghdad, we find ourselves most of the time stuck to our laptops, with the news channel in the background...HUBBY got a few job offers, some here, some in other Gulf countries and umm some in where else but...Iraq...

Im like the hawk...Everytime his cell phone rings, my ears just perk up (never knew they can do that)...and everytime I hear the word face just goes all droopy and I wave a frantic No to HUBBY....One time, I even stomped over to him, stood right infront, with both my hands on my hips, while my feet tapping the floor....Then I mouth N....O....He looks at me with pleading eyes...I just shake my head...and repeat N.......O.....Like a child being refused a yummy lollie, his contours changes and replies to the other guy on the phone with a slight sadness "Umm...I am interested in the position in Iraq, but would prefer if I get something here"... my smile reappears again... and I go back to my throne...

To get out of the rut we are in, we started going to the health club which we joined more than a month ago...One day, out of the blue...HUBBY said "Lets go swim" I jumped with excitement...Its as if someone said we won the lottery....taking advantage of the rare moment...I scurry to the room, grab my swimsuit and as I put it on...I look at my legs...OMG, the horror...I couldnt remember the last time I waxed (eeeww I know)...Shoot...What the hell am I gonna do...It wasnt really that bad, but umm, theres no way in hell I will go out like that...And theres no way Im gonna shave either...I hate shaving...2 mins into my dilemma, HUBBY calls out "IM READYYYYYYY"....Darn how I hate being a woman...."Umm HUBBY" I call out..."Can you give me 30 mins pls???"..."THIRTY MINS???why, what are you doing"...pulling my hair out I mutter under my breath...literally...I hear the chair squeaking...I guess he succumbed to my wishes...Good....

I didnt really have time to wax, so instead I used my epilator...aaaaaah my saviour...45 mins later, Im good to go...HUBBY asked what I was doing...Umm my yoga excersize..Yoga he asks??? you dont do Yoga...Sure I do just dont know it....He gave me a suspicious look then off we went...The pool was virtually empty...Just the way I like it....extremely relaxing...relaxing and away from the depressing news...I think we need to switch off from time to time...As usual, HUBBY sits in the shade and I just bake in the sun while listening to my IPOD...

HUBBY asked why cant Baghdad be like that...Why cant Baghdad have a club with a pool and everyone can enjoy themselves....Hmm...It used to have one...There was a club...Al Alwiya Club...the place to be seen in, at a certain point in time ...I cant remember much of that place, cuz I was a 4 yr old then...But I do remember wearing my pink swim suit, and my floaters...Maybe cuz I have a pic of it somewhere...Apart from that I have no recollection...But I can imagine it...Everyone, including my family talk about their memories in that club...HUBBY keeps talking about his adolescent memories and the hours spent in Al Alwiya...memories of him playing football, memories of the girls...Umm yeah HUBBY ok...I get the picture...

As long as there are people like Al Hakeem, Sadr and Dhari... as long as there are fanatics...Alwiya club will remain just a distant memory...The place still exists but the hub of excited screams, children's loud laughter and families conversations has long been replaced by hushed voices and hurried lunches....Iraq needs to have a full cosmetic surgery...Laser out all the fanatics...cut off all the militias..Suck out the mobs, gangs, zarqawis bin ladens and saddamists...and reconstruct the problem areas...

After writing all the above...HUBBY got a phonecall...He went all quiet then said "Honey, we're goint to Kuwait"...A job offer in Kuwait!!! Kuwait people!!! I mean of all the places in the world...I would rather go to Iraq than Kuwait...My heart just sank....I managed a weak smile...and said oh, really??? Im just disappointed...I would have to start packing EVERYTHING....can you imagine???Can you imagine the hassle??? Pack everrrrrryyyything AGAIN!!! Just as I was about to settle...feeling like mothergoose comfy in my nest...Not only pack, but go somewhere new...somewhere I know no one in...away from my family...I will have to find an furniture and a darn ice maker fridge all over...this is Deja vu...Im laughing right now...Laughing, cuz if we tell W we are going to Kuwait....He will just lose all hope in us...

As my anger and disappointment began to surface after the shocking news....HUBBY felt very uncomfortable, so instead of taking it out on him...I opted for washing up the dishes...just to release the energy...splashed water all over and made really loud bangs....pretty fun dont you say???I then decided that early evening is a good time to vacuum, polish and clean the floor...HUBBY just sat staring at me....what you doing???Im cleaning...Now???Yup HUBBY is there a rule as to when someone can clean??? He just shrugged....

I guess I brought this upon myself...When I was a kid and was asked what is it I really wanted to be...I simply answered "see the world"...Umm yup a curse Ive layed on myself ever since then...Had I known it meant strotting the world with my suitcase every few months I woulda changed my answer to a wife with a little house on the prairie....GRRRRRRRR....Oh well....A nomad's life...Yup this is it...Neurotic Iraqi Wife and her Nomad's Life...Hey it ryhmes...Ughhhhhhh...Where is that darn remote when you want it...CLICK CLICK CLICK...I think I need a breather...You know what..maybe we should go to the States..HUBBY has a place there...can get a job easily and I will start writing a book...A book about my life....My Nomads Life...
posted by neurotic_wife at 5:05 PM


Make sure you Fast Forward over here first. I think I can add a few chapters to your book ;) Take care.
From a Hairy Legged Sister
Suzy xx

August 8, 2006 at 7:34 PM  

Why not come to the States? Hubby could probably do more for Iraq by organizing like minded Iraqis in America, than he can accomplish there. After all, Iraqi ex-pats had a significant influence on the US going into Iraq in 2003. Maybe you could get a job with a publisher and start writing your book. I don't know which state Hubby's place is located. But, if you're not thrilled with the area or climate, there's 49 others to choose from.

August 8, 2006 at 11:43 PM  

I clean when I'm angry/upset also. It helps work out some of the internal frustration. The US would love to have you. :)

August 9, 2006 at 5:59 AM  


You should try shaving your legs. It's much easier than waxing and it's LESS painful.

You'll do well wherever you go because of your positive energy. We can feel it when reading your posts.

Wish you the best. Another country to blog from :-)

August 9, 2006 at 8:08 AM  


You are quite right about start writting a book, I am sure once you publish your book; you would be running out of copies, I would like to be the first one to buy!

two weeks ago I was swimming in the Midetranian sea, and how cute the beatch was, I hought about my country and wished this simple entertainment becomes true in the near furure.

August 9, 2006 at 8:21 AM  


I can't believe how revealing your posts have been lately. Maybe for two or three months now I have noticed a slow decline into what seems like hopelessness.

But I know that you, as an Iraqi woman, cannot be stopped by your depression.

Although I can't give you hirsute-focused advice like my good friend Fayrouz, I will ask you not to let the situation in Iraq affect your marriage. It seems like it does.

Don't let it be another casualty of this war.

I just read what BT wrote on his site, how he is happy for the first time in a long time.

Stop thinking about Iraq for a bit. I know that sounds like an insane thing to do, but if you don't take a breather you will drown in the quicksand that it has become.

And then what use would you be for a future Iraq? If there is hopelessness inside Iraq, do not let hope die outside Iraq.

This is the least we can do for those who are still left inside.

August 9, 2006 at 10:56 PM  

Remember and ice dispenser with crushed ice...

August 10, 2006 at 4:56 AM  

Iraqi Testimonies said...
"After all, Iraqi ex-pats had a significant influence on the US going into Iraq in 2003."
Yes. That is why Iraq is broken now.

I know what you mean. However, they did make something happen. Perhaps a person with integrity and clear vision could make something positive happen for Iraq, via the States. I don't know where you live IT. But, if you live in America, you know average Americans hate the violence, destruction, and bloodshed going on in Iraq. We want freedom, peace and prosperity for all the Iraqi people. Many Americans would love to be able to visit Iraq in safety to see the cradle of civilization with all its history and help boost the economy with tourist dollars. The nice thing about tourists is they come for a short time, spend a lot of money, and leave. It's one more billion dollar industry that the terrorists/insurgents/whatever are stealing from the people of Iraq.

August 10, 2006 at 7:34 AM  

Well it looked better when you said "NO" tapping your foot on the ground... I don't know what happened... looks like you just gave up. If you end up there, it's your fault, you had the power to say no. I'm rather disappointed in you. Afghanistan is a hell hole and you are going to hate it. Don't say I didn't warn you.

August 11, 2006 at 1:51 AM  

When you are in Kuwait, try to see it as something of a model for Iraq: formerly a country broken by war but now a thriving area 15 years later. I just returned from Kuwait after being there for the better part of a year. I saw it when it was broken 15 years ago (I flew helicopters for the US Navy then). I was very happy to see what Kuwait has become after seeing what it was. During my nightly prayers while in Kuwait last year, I prayed that Iraq may also be as prosperous as Kuwait in 15 years.

God bless the Iraqi people and all the peace-loving people in your region.

August 11, 2006 at 10:35 PM  

Come to the States, or better, go to Canada, I'll meet you there.

NIW: The only way to stop this nightmare is for everyone to realize that 911 was an inside job. Scary? YES. But the facts are overwhelming. Please please please, spread the truth, if you love life.

August 12, 2006 at 11:45 PM  

Romerican, I dont mind your criticism at all...I've scored A+ in my grammar while at college...So I don't doubt my ability...And that was in London mind you...But to do that on my blog, I find it pretty boring...I like the (...) because it reitterates the point...If I want to write professionaly then yes I will abide by the rules...There's no other way...And by the way, Thanks for the advice...And no Im not gonna erase the comment...I welcome constructive criticism and yours is one...

September 8, 2006 at 6:52 PM  

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