I actually am having severe problems with my blog, I cant seem to compose nor edit anything, so I am using my last life line by posting through email, lets hope this works.....ps: If anyone can help pls I will appreciate it....
HUBBY called today, he was in this cafe that is known as Gina's for its attractive teenage waitress. HUBBY once mentioned that she used to eye him alot, hmmm, HUBBY really knows how to rub me the right way doesnt he, Bless him... Well he called while having his dinner which was basically Gus (shredded lamb) with extra lia (extra fat parts) YumYum, how healthy one can be, HUBBY was feeling DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, YIPPEEEEE its time for celebrations, god I'm sure he will kill me if he knew I was writing this, I know I sound mean, by celebrating but HUBBY wants to get out of IRAQ!!!!! yay yay yay yay, here I am singing to myself CONGRATULATIONS & CELEBRATIONS. Finally the man got his senses back, finally he will love me and cherish me and never let me go, hmmmm, too good to be true, but believe it or not, for the first time in a WHOLE week, HUBBY ended the conversation with and I really wanna quote here "bye sweetie, I love you". Did my poor little teeny weeny bloodless heart jump a beat??HELL YA, did it contnue dancing to rythm is a dancer HELL YA.
"Treat them mean, keep them keen" is this a unisex statement??? This post is to be continued once I know emailing it does actually work...
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posted by neurotic_wife at
10:35 PM
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